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Frontend Vs Backend Development



Amit Kumar Chauhan
4 min read 03rd March, 2022

In the digital era, whenever we need to find anything or want to know about anything we take help from Google, we peacefully know that we will definitely find our answer. When we put our query on Google, there are many options that are open and when we find the options related to our query we find that before we open a  window bright, colorful features and systematic way that window is called a website.

The website is generated by web development with the help of using many technologies, frameworks and scripts. Web development is the most important part in IT form because only through web development.  It helps cover the gap between the service provider and consumers.  Frontend and backend development are indispensable parts of it. Let's see what functions of it and how it works.

First of all, we should know what Front end development is?  How it performs a big role in web development.

Front End Development

Frontend Development that part which is visible in front of visitor and he can interact with features of website like when he opens the website so, whatever he sees that is called user interface like scrolling down and second the things come user experience in which when he interacts with any and he gets the results the interaction is how easy with the feature which he clicks and how the clear the things that are called user experience. Front end development designs with java scripts, CSS, HTML, Framework like AngularJS, React Js, Node JS and VUE JS all are frameworks on which frontend development work leads.

A front end user can say it is a “Client-side application” because all the coding, elements and features are seen by the user and he can easily interact with the feature.  Front end developer responsible is to make the site attractive and easy to interact with.  In this process, the building elements are buttons, Layout, Navigation, Images graphics, Animation and Content Organization. So, it’s all about front end development let see what Back end development is.

In short, front end development is related to the site layout and how the features work on the site, mainly the work of web designing.

Backend Development
Backend development likes the engine of the car which is a necessity for cars but can’t be seen in the exterior. This is for the server-side.  It is that hidden programming language that is indirectly accessed by the user through the front end. it means access front end access passing through the backend. As we give examples of a car in above as a car not possible to start without an engine there is no meaning of it same as without programming language creation it is not possible to design a website. In backend code is to be created. for creating a code there is some framework. If anyone wants to learn backend coding language and he is new in web Development then he should start from front end development.

The programming languages used in the backend are PHP, c++, Java, Python, JavaScript and Node JS. and the best frameworks on which backend work excess like create coding according to site Express, Django, Rails, laravel, spring, etc.

Difference between Frontend and Backend

Frontend and Backend are different forms of each other but still, both are working on the same kind but both work for the same thing and that is creating website development.  Backend development is the base for creating a website and can say the back part of front end development.

Backend is exactly the work of web development and frontend knows for web designing that means to create or code how the things will be accessible in the frontend that all goes to work in backend and ready mostly functions in backend. The front end fixed the layout of the website, the color of the website and how things should come. icons, content, buttons etc.

The backend is server-side and the front end is user side. Backend can’t visualize the user but the works on the frontend can be seen by the user and not only seen he can interact with the features too.

Thus, Frontend and Backend are different but both are two sides of the same coin.  

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